Phil Kearns (64)
Would TEN's ratings be affected? Currently Foxtel and FTA show some events concurrently. Who chooses to watch the FTA broadcast with ads anyway? The viewers for test matches for example would be only those without Foxtel access. The benefit will be minimal opposition on a Saturday night. I can't see a 30-60 minute delay being a huge factor. Never affected Friday night football on 9.
I watch FTA, simply because the Fox commentary is so diabolical. Plus I figure that every viewer helps the cause - I am not on any panels, but because I watch FTA through Foxtel, the latter's private scores are affected ( a tiny bit!).
I did not say that the daylight savings thing was a "huge" problem, but it is a complicating factor. It means that Reds home games have to start at 630 local time, not ideal for the local crowds, although that problem exists anyway.