Phil Waugh (73)
I assume you mean their bungled implementation?The Optus debacle will have scared a few sports rights holders off for a bit you'd think
I would have thought the only boundary to widespread uptake of streaming services in Australia is our third-world rate internet speed and accessibility. NBN is rolling out slow as fuck and in it's current bastardized state is barely an upgrade, plus it's plagued with reliability issues.
5G might be a viable option if sufficient data is affordable. Streaming programs are by far the most data intensive use of internet for regular users (far more so even than games for example) for the time being. So whilst you might get sufficient speeds from 5G to stream HD rugby, you will run out of data in about 2 hours. And that's just 720-1080p. Once higher resolutions become standard data use will be an order of magnitude higher.
Times might be a-changing for the rest of the world but i don't think we've managed to escape the Murdoch noose. He certainly had a hand in neutering the NBN and let's be honest; who wouldn't choose Fox over the Optus clusterfuck?
Beyond that streaming is the clear winner. Personalized consumption of media is pretty much expected now. Netflix, etc. Anecdotally, i don't own a TV and i don't seem to be abnormal among my age group.