Peter Johnson (47)
BLK have found themselves in this position due to the Fiji cyclone, their manufacturing plant was significantly damaged, stock destroyed etc. The company were then faced with significant delays and ultimately the killer blow of repaying deposits when they were unable to deliver, forcing customers to head to other suppliers.
Added to the fact that they whist behind in production (May) they continued to increase orders, sign up more customers, commit to supplying more product even thought they were way behind even with the factory operating 24/7....
Another clue that things went going well: Q&A from the warehouse clearance event in June after it was postponed for a week - (note the [increased] stock value!) - there will be more stock on hand since we have further deliveries scheduled to come in this week, increasing our holdings to approximately $10 million (AUD).
Prices for the warehouse sale will start at 60% off, with discontinued ranges up to 70% off.