Slim 293
George Smith (75)
What other incidents have there been? There are so few incidents like this in rugby, that when something does happen, it is blown way the fuck out of proportion, honestly. And I'm not even exaggerating. When they start reporting Quade is given head for $10 in Queen Street Mall at lunch time on a wednesday afternoon, then you have a point. Otherwise I have no problem with Beale reacting to some drunk bloke calling him a nigger.
It's like your boss saying "Oh btw mate, when you go home after work tonight, go straight to bed, don't enjoy dinner or watch a movie because you need to be tip top for work tomorrow". It's just not realistic, and not to mention bullshit.
If my boss was the ARU, and I was being paid an enormous amount of money to be a public image for their brand........ AND probably have conditions in my contract in regards to my public conduct.......
Then, yes....... it is quite realistic, and hardly bullshit.
The fact is, these guys should know better. Particularly with their history.