Peter Sullivan (51)
Is the $700-1400 individual or for both? Even if for both, $700/player seems very high. A quick google can find most clubs' fees in recent years, which of course vary slightly club-to-club and for age level (with juniors and women being cheaper). ~$350-450 per player seems to be the rough ball park for juniors from the Brisbane clubs I've seenThings have changed, you are right with all things except cheap to play. FFS fella that worked for me in Oz who had 2 boys playing was paying subs of $700 to $1400 a year, plus $5 a game for the ref. Any coaching days seemed to be an additonal $100-150 at least. Meeting a few parents at a couple of dinners etc, I was gobsmacked how elitist the game seemd.
Brothers' 2022 fees across player groups, including a list of what the fees cover, is attached below for interest.