Phil Waugh (73)
I don't understand why people in 2020 are still not paying for journalism. Apologies in advance if you pay for oher subscriptions and not The Aus, but the constant posting about paywalls on this site astounds me
You're astounded that people won't pay to support the News Corp media empire? Even if you do support them - you should be able to understand why some people don't.
This Suaallii thing is a joke. I'm actually glad that RA didn't get him. One ACL injury and this kids ceiling has dropped dramatically. Not to mention the astronomical pressure on the guy to be the next superstar - which always goes so well.
Plus - hard reality is we are clearly not a great choice at the moment. The Tahs are poo and there isn't even a competition tabled yet. No rational person turns down what is effectively a house by the age of 18 for the chance to play in the Olympics?