Works for me, just having trouble seeing the savings to RA for not doing something that there was scant evidence of them doing before.

Quite seriously, the entire rugby Aust structure requires either a ruthless, radical centralisation, or a ruthless radical decentralisation (and I fail to see how this latter course would work but it theoretically fits the bill).
The overall structure we have for administering the code today is vastly over-staffed, highly over-replicated, and simply way too expensive in relation to any sensibly cast forward revenue profile that is realistic.
And, just as importantly, by structurally reducing the entire cost base RA's historical high-cost model that has in part driven the fatal economic greed for 'whatever big media $s we can get we'll get and fuck the quality of product we deliver or whether the fans are there or not', this driver can be binned for something that will, in the short term, produce less media $s but will permit the delivery of a product that can be designed around fan engagement and local tribal passions.
And therein lies the opportunity for a salvation, vs a slow suicide.