I don't think there's any real mystery as to how Alan Jones operates.
In any given scenario, there's an underdog and a villain. Jones will always take on the villain on behalf of the underdog. If you're the underdog, then there's no one in the world you'd rather have on your side, and I certainly haven't forgotten how he supported the Force during the culling fiasco.
However, just because there's an underdog doesn't mean the other party in dispute is necessarily a villain. Jones doesn't always get this which is why he can go too far and disgrace himself in such misguided attacks against people such as the Wagner mining family (whom he falsely blamed for devastating floods in Queensland) or the Woolworths CEO whom he outrageously accused of elder abuse due to teething problems in their early shopping hours policy.
So Jones can be absolutely right on some issues and hopelessly wrong on others. Just because he's wrong about the Wagners doesn't mean his criticisms of RA should be dismissed out of hand - sometimes, there really are villains.
Apart from that, the attacks on Jones' listeners as being racist, bigoted, misogynist or too dumb to download a podcast - those sorts of sneers are way more bigoted than anything I've heard or read from Jones.