So why didn't he go to court then? If it was about the principle, then why pull out of the fight when a cash offer was put on the table?
Bingo. Must say barb that your sheer politeness, in the face of this appalling revisionism, is a sight to behold. I seem to compliment you a lot on holding court like this. Were you on the debating team?
I was on the debating team in Year 7, but as you know, possess only a modicum of your civility. For example:
To the topic of Israel's "victory".
Where was the righteous court battle to punish the wicked Rugby Australia*?
Where is the legal precedent that would reaffirm Australia's place as a safe space for Christian athletes?
Where was the defence of the $14M that was Israel's god-given right as ordained captain-in-perpetuity of the Wallabies and future reserve fullback for the Heavenly Host?
All the money thrown at him by the ACL and its supporters, in order to bring these dastardly woke corporations to heel, and what happens?
He fucking scarpers as soon as enough money is on the table to buy his Dad another bit of Sydney real estate.
"Onward Christian Soldiers"
Yeah. He definitely won that.
Fact is, both parties knew they were in a shit-show, both were at least mature enough to realise it, and they decided to call it a draw.
Folau's record will always be there, but it will be tainted or polished, depending where you sit.
*aka The Bastion of Creeping Leftiness aka Gay Marriage Institution aka Killer (and perhaps Eater?) of Babies