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All-time worst season - they ran dead

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Peter Johnson (47)
Sorry, I should clarify that it was only clickbait news; although I wouldn't be surprised it Roger was off re-planning with the Shute old boys club now the news about the bank balance is out in public and the issue that they may have to share it. :eek:

Cash cow: NSW quietly reported a profit of $3,022,901 in 2020, and has more than $6.4 million in the bank. The result was not announced by NSW Rugby

The Herald revealed last week club that Sydney club presidents were sent a draft agreement by the Sydney Rugby Union for next season’s premier competition, containing onerous conditions. The draft terms include all clubs needing a minimum of four grade teams and three colts sides, a full time head coach and general manager plus a women’s XVs team by no later than 2023. Clubs will also a need to demonstrate minimum turnover of more than $550,000.



The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
mst was taking the piss, but.....

I see that now. Thats the problem with shooting before reading all the posts.

But I still like the concept. I think Fox were headed down this path if they could have split off SS as they tried, before Raelene headed them off at the pass.

wouldnt surpise me, there would be interests with the means to do it. (Gilchrist/Buildcorp)

Members Section

John Thornett (49)
Rumours brewing that Shute has found some mystery funding source and will be going fully pro!

[just want to get in first to call dib's on some braking news] ;):D

i think you mean 75% of clubs going fully pro :D for some reason the mystery funding never made itself out west
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George Smith (75)
Staff member
OK. This thread had little point to start, and is devolving into a general shit-fest.
If you want to talk about the Waratahs 2021 or 2022, there are threads.
If you want to talk about Shute Shield, Third Tier, Grassroots or whatever, you get the drift.
Thread closed.
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