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AIC Rugby 2017

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Peter Burge (5)
Dour game at Curlew - lots of poor execution by both teams - Padua very understrength without their line-breakers 13, 15 and regular 9. A shadow of the team that were a bee's dick from beating ASH in Round 1.

Opportunities for Padua to win at the death but poor ball control let them down. Sides pretty evenly matched but SPC deserved the win.

Best for SPC 8 and 2 - Padua 4 was strong, 12 produced some bone rattling defence.


Ward Prentice (10)
Any others scores?
The wheels fell off the Villa bus from that scoreline.
Whats the final standings.

I play wing

Chris McKivat (8)
Care to elaborate on this allegation?

I wont go into specifics as these "allegations" involve incidents from the last few years but I think the culture of Padua and their rugby program was epitomized today when Bruce Tavenga was visibly knocked out (laying on the ground for a good 30 seconds after being hit then getting up and stumbling around for minutes afterwards is usually a good indication) but allowed to return by the PADUA first-aider. The win at all costs attitude is ridiculous particularly when it may impact this young guys future.

On a positive though the 1st XV was a cracking match with a good tight contest by both sides despite the above first half incident.


Frank Row (1)
Dour game at Curlew - lots of poor execution by both teams - Padua very understrength without their line-breakers 13, 15 and regular 9. A shadow of the team that were a bee's dick from beating ASH in Round 1.

Opportunities for Padua to win at the death but poor ball control let them down. Sides pretty evenly matched but SPC deserved the win.

Best for SPC 8 and 2 - Padua 4 was strong, 12 produced some bone rattling defence.
Dour game my ass two teams going at it at full steam the contest was hard and often brutal the defence won it for st pats. I agree a few mistakes were made by both sides usually under intense pressure, It's a real shame that's there is not two rounds as the rugby skill sets are really improving and I'm sure the home crowd of around three thousand spectators actually helped in pats winning the match. Congrats to both teams on the way the game was played you young men did both your schools proud

Stone Cold Steve

Frank Row (1)
Dour game my ass two teams going at it at full steam the contest was hard and often brutal the defence won it for st pats. I agree a few mistakes were made by both sides usually under intense pressure, It's a real shame that's there is not two rounds as the rugby skill sets are really improving and I'm sure the home crowd of around three thousand spectators actually helped in pats winning the match. Congrats to both teams on the way the game was played you young men did both your schools proud

I agree. That was a brutal game and the pace hardly dropped from the opening whistle. More security guards and police present then a G7 conference! Defensively that was one of the best games I have seen, both teams really put everything on the line. Couple of crucial decisions went against Padua, a yellow card, penalty for "not sticking" in a tackle right on SPC's line and even a held up try with the ref saying "nah dinnit see it but it would have to had been held up" :)
But, as the old boxing saying goes, 'don't leave it in the judge's hands'. Padua missed too many opportunities against one of the best defensive forward packs going around in the AIC. Congrats to the SPC 1st XV boys who were gentlemen on and off the field.

Big Mal

Allen Oxlade (6)
Eddies up over SPLC. SPLC scored some great tries and were dangerous. Eddies showed some patience and waited for opportunities. Peters defended well and stopped many multiple phase plays.

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Frank Row (1)
Eddies up over SPLC. SPLC scored some great tries and were dangerous. Eddies showed some patience and waited for opportunities. Peters defended well and stopped many multiple phase plays.

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41-20 dont know what game you were watching mate but Peters defence was terrible scored a couple lucky tries! Eddies Wernt flash at all but played a step above Peters the whole game! Eddies backs got the ball out wide and beat peters almost every time. Eddies missing most kicks if they were successful it would have been at 53 on Peters. I think you might wanna watch the game instead of writing rubbish on here!

The Adjudicator

Frank Nicholson (4)
I agree. Couple of crucial decisions went against Padua, a yellow card, penalty for "not sticking" in a tackle right on SPC's line.

What is a 'not sticking' penalty haha

Completely agree it wasn't a dour game, a lot of continuity in the game. Far more ball in play than any other 1sts game I've seen this season. The boys left everything out on that field and it was clear the game meant a lot to the players.

Hands like feet

Allen Oxlade (6)
Lauries finished with a win over Iona, skill level wasn't great from either side lots of dropped pill, lauries seniors probably showed more determination in their last game for their school. I was excited to watch the 10As play for what we all thought would have been a premiership, given the performances against Iona previously. Looked very much like all the decision making has been coached out of them, the coaches seem to have to tell them what to do from the sideline every phase, must be the same model as the 1sts, very amateur set up. Credit to Iona for winning but it seems another good group at slc has suffered from ordinary coaching. Looking at what is clearly a neglected 16s age group, I fear a very lean year next year, the current coaches played very few 16s, suggesting they probably won't go around next year, walking away leaving the 1st xv program in tatters, poor bugger who takes up the reigns next year, hopefully we don't lose the current 9s and 10s to other schools.


Darby Loudon (17)
Farewell to AIC rugby for 2017.

Firstly, thanks to all of you who have so warmly congratulated the MCA First XV on their undefeated premiership.

Secondly, by my count MCA won 9/13 AIC premierships this year, including the 9A's, 10A's, 16A's and all of the open grades, which is a pretty good, albeit unacknowledged, effort for a school which was at risk of slipping back into the AIC pack in rugby terms.

The return of David Miles, and the installation of a new rugby director, has made and will continue to make a big difference to the MCA rugby program, although there's still plenty of room left for improvement.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the passion and sportsmanship of the SLC posters on this forum, who have been great contributors all year. It seems clear that SLC rugby is being held back by poor administration and decision-making, which helped to condemn this year's First XV. Hopefully that will change soon, as AIC rugby is certainly much better when SLC is strong across all grades.

Big Mal

Allen Oxlade (6)
Calm your farm Trevor. I was trying to compliment an under strength SPLC who have had a tough season. Eddies put together 8 phases from one end of the field to the other but SPLC still got there to stop a certain try. Good to see Eddies play so well. Ashgrove with 9 AIC players were outstanding this year. Well done in the Premiership.

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Allen Oxlade (6)
Gee I hope he makes a QLD schoolboy team... the opposition in the highlights video looked very weak- hopefully he's been scrummaging against the GPS Prem Colts team for some extra practice before the trials


Herbert Moran (7)
Huge Congrats to MCA Firsts for going through undefeated this year.
I can only imagine the pressure they would of been under to turn things around from the last two seasons losing to Padua.
Its been a real pleasure to witness some amazing skill from a lot of the teams throughout the season including the epic battle between St Pats v Padua on Sat.
What was also pleasing to see was how well the lads behaved from the Schools that played at the venues.....what i observed was great respect for all in sundry.
Congrats to All the schools for a great AIC season....cant wait now for next footy season...how many sleeps?


Ted Thorn (20)
Lauries finished with a win over Iona, skill level wasn't great from either side lots of dropped pill, lauries seniors probably showed more determination in their last game for their school. I was excited to watch the 10As play for what we all thought would have been a premiership, given the performances against Iona previously. Looked very much like all the decision making has been coached out of them, the coaches seem to have to tell them what to do from the sideline every phase, must be the same model as the 1sts, very amateur set up. Credit to Iona for winning but it seems another good group at slc has suffered from ordinary coaching. Looking at what is clearly a neglected 16s age group, I fear a very lean year next year, the current coaches played very few 16s, suggesting they probably won't go around next year, walking away leaving the 1st xv program in tatters, poor bugger who takes up the reigns next year, hopefully we don't lose the current 9s and 10s to other schools.

Mate what part of a 40 to 22 win leading all the way upsets you.

You just seem to be a hater.

Hands like feet

Allen Oxlade (6)
Statement I made : Lauries finished with a win over Iona - Fact
Statement I made: There was lots of dropped ball - Fact

There is no mention of my emotional well being at any point, but I appreciate your concern it's very Edmund Rice of you. Are you perhaps upset that your beloved front row wasn't picked in the AIC team?


Stan Wickham (3)
Does anyone know when and where the AIC team is playing?

And who are the legitimate players conteneding for a qld spot?


Allen Oxlade (6)
The AIC season is over and now reading all the doom and gloom about Australian rugby and the problems at grassroots level and started me thinking are there any solutions? I keep coming back to an idea which has probably been discussed many times before but to me would be a way forward. A major issue I see is I look at the AIC boys who just finished their 7 game season and some are off playing league, some doing nothing and maybe a handful will continue with rugby at rep level or club. Why not make rugby the premier schoolboy sport by having an extended 20 team competition played over terms 2 & 3. In Brisbane, you could have a two tier competition with 20 teams in each tier with promotion/relegation. Tier 1 would initially be GPS and AIC teams. Other teams would be from TAS and selected State schools and perhaps some club teams for those not at a participating school. Get these boys committing to rugby. Make it a worthwhile comp. Don't give them the time/option to play other sports like league. The massive stumbling block I see for this to work would be the GPS schools will not wanting to give up their elite status. If that could be overcome, and the ARU got behind it with some funding (say towards rugby coordinators in schools) then you would have a situation where boys would be dedicated to rugby and for me would be much more likely to move into colts at their local clubs after they finish school. I look at the Padua boys and how a lot of them are now back playing league and have a focus on the Confraternity Shield and I can't help thinking that rugby is really missing a trick. Schoolboy rugby is a great product but its too short a season and is not producing the well rounded players that we see coming out of NZ because the boys just don't play enough games. Initially the GPS schools would dominate but that would even out over time as AIC and TAS boys would be less likely to move to GPS if they were already in the same competition. I know this sort of thing will never happen because of the competing vested interests but rugby needs some radical changes at grassroots in Australia because we are falling well behind other football codes.


Allen Oxlade (6)
The AIC season is over and now reading all the doom and gloom about Australian rugby and the problems at grassroots level and started me thinking are there any solutions? I keep coming back to an idea which has probably been discussed many times before but to me would be a way forward. A major issue I see is I look at the AIC boys who just finished their 7 game season and some are off playing league, some doing nothing and maybe a handful will continue with rugby at rep level or club. Why not make rugby the premier schoolboy sport by having an extended 20 team competition played over terms 2 & 3. In Brisbane, you could have a two tier competition with 20 teams in each tier with promotion/relegation. Tier 1 would initially be GPS and AIC teams. Other teams would be from TAS and selected State schools and perhaps some club teams for those not at a participating school. Get these boys committing to rugby. Make it a worthwhile comp. Don't give them the time/option to play other sports like league. The massive stumbling block I see for this to work would be the GPS schools will not wanting to give up their elite status. If that could be overcome, and the ARU got behind it with some funding (say towards rugby coordinators in schools) then you would have a situation where boys would be dedicated to rugby and for me would be much more likely to move into colts at their local clubs after they finish school. I look at the Padua boys and how a lot of them are now back playing league and have a focus on the Confraternity Shield and I can't help thinking that rugby is really missing a trick. Schoolboy rugby is a great product but its too short a season and is not producing the well rounded players that we see coming out of NZ because the boys just don't play enough games. Initially the GPS schools would dominate but that would even out over time as AIC and TAS boys would be less likely to move to GPS if they were already in the same competition. I know this sort of thing will never happen because of the competing vested interests but rugby needs some radical changes at grassroots in Australia because we are falling well behind other football codes.

From the Guardian...

“The key to New Zealand rugby is the strength of the competitions our young people play,” he said. “Especially in the schools.” Altogether, there have been 1,146 All Blacks. Fifty-one of them studied at Auckland grammar, more than any place else in New Zealand.
In New Zealand, school first XV rugby is a serious business. Sky broadcast the matches live, two every weekend. Here at Auckland grammar they pull in crowds of around 7,000 for marquee games. The standard is excellent, the competition intense. It is becoming increasingly common for players to make the leap from school straight into the professional game.
Auckland grammar was established in 1868. The first game of rugby in New Zealand was played in 1870. It is a state school but receives a lot of money in donations. The sums top schools spend on rugby make many feel uneasy. A 2013 investigation by the New Zealand Herald found that in Auckland the top schools were spending upwards of $50,000 (£21,000) a year on their first XVs and some, those running foreign tours, up to four times that much.
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