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AIC Rugby 2015

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Larry Dwyer (12)
The Main reason for the decline in the AIC rugby comp = GPS Scholarships.

There has been a real arm's race in recent times.
eg IONA'S 14A 2014 Premiers and a real chance of becoming 2017 Premiers, until a few scholarships latter now IONA'S 15A have managed to only win 2 games in the season.

I know this also occur to the Lauries 13A premiers of 2013.

Sorry but can't see it stopping any time soon, suggest you drop down to the local GPS ground in term 3 and watch some of the ex AIC boys showing theirs talents.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
There is an agreement ( unofficial and not actually signed off at Versailles ) between the Headmasters of a no poaching policy . Be cynical if you want but it is real , and frankly , schools couldn't be bothered with all the crap for the sake of one player or two players here and there.

The reality is - is that the new age of competitive parent/child who is able to be seduced by " a scholarship" that most times comprise the federal government grant super profit that a school makes on top of full freight...and maybe a bit extra if the child has some Academic chops and /or another sport.

So reality is ....Mums and Dads are paying anywhere between $8K to $12K to be at a GPS school ...for their boy on a scholarship .....which is pretty much in the ball park of an AIC cost.

They go because either it pleases their ego.......and that of the kid .....and/or .....the kid with Mum and Dad's strong support want to compete in what they perceive to be a higher quality competition.

Of course this is the case for suburban middle ground families ...however ....there is the League pilfering from lower -socio economic areas where these families are more likely to be supported with bursaries and then there are the various rural and indigenous programs.

But we're not talking about there here. We're talking about the supposed raping and pillaging from the heartlands or shared catchments

And I reckon this is slightly misunderstood .

Mr and Mrs Heartland and their kid perceive quality and bigger opportunity is elsewhere notwithstanding quality and opportunity which is in front of their face......IF ......School Sporting Heads at AIC Colleges got off their ass with the help of their Headmaster and their Old Boy Associations and found contemporary solutions to a contemporary issue


Herbert Moran (7)
Garry Owens, I enjoy reading your posts on the AIC and GPS threads. Your views are insightful and often make a lot of sense. I'd like to know your opinion on what AIC can do to:
1. Withstand poaching from GPS schools.
2. Improve the overall standard of the competition.
There is no doubt the gap is widening between the two competitions. How can that gap be reduced? I think we can all agree that a healthy AIC competition is important for grassroots rugby in QLD.

Ishameal Kelly

Frank Row (1)
Fair enough to put numbers on the back of the normal jersey but there own special jersey??? Certainly goes against tradition. I personally don't agree with it.
Was this done just for the weekend being Old Boys Day or have they been worn every week?

They were wearing the same jersey last year in the 2nds.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
AIC 2015

1. Tom O'Toole (PAD)
2. ???
3. Liam Adams (ASH)
4. Michael Wood (PAD)
5. Lachlan McKinnon (ASH)
6. ???
7. Louis Schwenke (PAD)
8. ???
9. ???
10. Lawson Creighton (PAD)
11. Sam Teevan (ASH)
12. Harry Sullivan (ASH)
13. ???
14. ???
15. Campbell Mohr (ASH)

Jack Cuneo (ASH)
Tom Rafter (ASH)
John Honour (PAD)

More Ashgrove players than Padua!? But isn't Padua 2015 the greatest team ever!? I mean, they beat Ashgrove!
Also heard that that the #2 and #8 may be from SEC and the #9 may be from VILLA but that's unconfirmed.

Derick Slater

Chris McKivat (8)
AIC 2015

1. Tom O'Toole (PAD)
2. ???
3. Liam Adams (ASH)
4. Michael Wood (PAD)
5. Lachlan McKinnon (ASH)
6. ???
7. Louis Schwenke (PAD)
8. ???
9. ???
10. Lawson Creighton (PAD)
11. Sam Teevan (ASH)
12. Harry Sullivan (ASH)
13. ???
14. ???
15. Campbell Mohr (ASH)

Jack Cuneo (ASH)
Tom Rafter (ASH)
John Honour (PAD)

More Ashgrove players than Padua!? But isn't Padua 2015 the greatest team ever!? I mean, they beat Ashgrove!
Also heard that that the #2 and #8 may be from SEC and the #9 may be from VILLA but that's unconfirmed.
If this is an accurate list then Mana Cecil better be the 13. Wouldn't be surprised if they put him there since there aren't many good centres. Also will be freaking appalled if Cuneo gets a spot over Kelly.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
If this is an accurate list then Mana Cecil better be the 13. Wouldn't be surprised if they put him there since there aren't many good centres. Also will be freaking appalled if Cuneo gets a spot over Kelly.
Jack Kelly, Justin Sikimeti and Phillip Hunt also chosen from SPC. No Mana Cecil.


Herbert Moran (7)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xft1/v/t34.0-12/11421444_992550947442411_1948311267_n.jpg?oh=db9e4c1a78d266a7ab1e5d61fc6447d3&oe=557C813C&__gda__=1434155148_3e8e82aab4fd0b17779cc8fafa397a2e


Darby Loudon (17)
Like most I would have had Mohr on the wing and Honour at fullback, Teevan a big surprise to me

Haven't see either 9 play this year, but MacDonald might be unlucky to be on the bench.

Sullivan over Cecil at 12 is an interesting one, could have gone either way, but both of Padua's centres could regard themselves as unlucky to miss completely.


Peter Burge (5)
Looks a good team - I thought Ashgrove 15 was elusive against Padua at Banyo and deserves his spot - the Ashgrove winger and centre were not impressive and were comprehensively out pointed by their opponents IMHO - the Ashgrove forwards held their own but the backs let them down - maybe they improved as the season went on? Good representation for the Brown and Gold boys. Hopefully they are all competitive against the GPS side.


Darby Loudon (17)
Apart from other obvious advantages, you'd think that the GPS sides, GPS 1 in particular, will have a large number boys turning 18 this year, and none turning 16.

Are there any 18's in that AIC side? Can't see any myself, and I know Wood is only 16 this year.

The AIC forwards look OK, good front row, goers in the back row, and some strong players on the bench. The locks are both good players but will both be giving away 15kg, height and 1-2 years to Swain from GPS 1

However, the backs will almost certainly be small compared to their opponents, and this is where I think they'll really struggle to be competitive, particularly after the first 20 minutes or so of each half.

Anyway, congratulations, and good luck, to the boys selected.


Herbert Moran (7)
Apart from other obvious advantages, you'd think that the GPS sides, GPS 1 in particular, will have a large number boys turning 18 this year, and none turning 16.

Are there any 18's in that AIC side? Can't see any myself, and I know Wood is only 16 this year.

The AIC forwards look OK, good front row, goers in the back row, and some strong players on the bench. The locks are both good players but will both be giving away 15kg, height and 1-2 years to Swain from GPS 1

However, the backs will almost certainly be small compared to their opponents, and this is where I think they'll really struggle to be competitive, particularly after the first 20 minutes or so of each half.

Anyway, congratulations, and good luck, to the boys selected.
Fair summation mate. Good luck to the AIC boys. Play your hearts out!
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