Herbert Moran (7)
Before a ball is kicked in the nationals you have to think of Fainga'a and McInerney as the two principal hookers for the Aussie team.
The others I know: Mafi, Craig and Bradford were all at school last year which means they are at a disadvantage in rugby maturity.
However a couple of games in Canberra will make pages of this thread superfluous.
But what else are we going to do?
Lee, you are right - we need to wait till the Canberra games to see what's what.
But seems to me that any player in any position in one of these three squads can be selected for the National Squad, as well as those currently injured.
Won't the selectors have their clipboards and be tasked to watch players in specific positions according to a pre-determined set of criteria? Like the schoolboys comp, especially as the national coaching team won't know all the boys and will presumably be looking for any smokies. Is that how they do it at these more senior tournaments, or do they go more for reputation and skin in the game?
I wouldn't think they'll care who was at school last year or who is what age (this can just be a matter of months or days difference in many cases), or even what they did last season, as boys at this age grow and change so much.
With hookers, for instance, would not someone with a reliable and accurate throw beat another boy who can't throw straight, no matter his pedigree, and assuming other aspects of their game are acceptable?
* Mr Jarse, your post just now crossed with mine above, and you have enlightened me on some of the differences an extra year out of school can bring. However, I still think my principle point stands... FRF.