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  1. RedOrDead

    NSW AAGPS 2023

    Seems some aren't getting the warnings... you know what they say, when you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance.
  2. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    I think Meagher is out for the year is he not? Otherwise definitely would be my pick. Ryan from Knox deserves the 7 spot IMO so far, unless you move Mackemzie to 8, and play Aboud and Ryan at 6 and 7. Deane probably deserves the 10 jersey so far IMO, I think he is the best game managing 10 in...
  3. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    I will say the last few years there were some very obvious choices from Barker being picked for captain. Like last year for example Hooper was the obvious choice. Pollard was also captain in 2019 I believe and that was once again the obvious choice for example.
  4. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    Surprised Deane's name is on the 16's list. Thought he could have been the potential CAS Opens 10.
  5. RedOrDead

    NSW AAGPS 2023

    Thought Kings won 2019. Must have been 2018 my bad.
  6. RedOrDead

    NSW AAGPS 2023

    That's a phenomenal highlight reel.
  7. RedOrDead

    NSW AAGPS 2023

    Joeys 2019? Definitely not. Wasn't even the best team that year. There are MUCH stronger Joeys teams. Kings 2020 was ridiculously strong. I believe every single back +1 in that team now has at least a professional development contract. Wilson (Tahs), Poolman (Force), Little (Force), Penisini...
  8. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    I quite clearly said Barker would be tier 2. Multiple times.
  9. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    I will let it go after this. XY chromosomes. Look them up.
  10. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    A school with 3x as many boys? You'd hope so.
  11. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    Barker would absolutely be in tier 2. As would Newington. Me and Snort have been quite clear that it would be based off of an analysis of the holistic rugby program. Not just the 1sts.
  12. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    What point have I missed... seems like I'm just advocating for a better more even rugby program. Utter shit stirring. You'd hope so... They have three times the boys.
  13. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    I agree Barker would be a tier 2 program in a GPS/CAS/ISA pool. But an extremely strong 1st XV program (has only lost to Joeys once in the last 8 years I believe?) You look like an idiot putting words in my mouth.
  14. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    Let's not compare Joeys rowing to Shore's rugby.... who struggled in alsmot every age group for years and couldn't get a 1sts XV win for like 7 years.... It's disingenuous.
  15. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    Considering me and Snort have probably been the two guys pushing this tier system most (along with others)... I promise you that wasn't what we were proposing. Shore has not turned it around. They are still a tier 2 level rugby program. Why are we pretending they've built a dynasty. No it...
  16. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    And the Barker game was ended 15 minutes early too... Thank the lords I have snort to talk some sense.
  17. RedOrDead

    NSW AAGPS 2023

    Harrison Usher is also a King's boy.
  18. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    Hey mate, I think you're a little confused on what has been proposed. Happy to explain it to you though. If we were to combine the two comps we would actually be creating a tier system that would go a little something like this (perhaps some slightly disagree but this is roughly the schools in...
  19. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    Your first point is simply not true. Every school is different, with different sizes, different geographic location, different cost and different deomographic... All of which DRASTICALLY affects a schools rugby ability. Let's move with the times. Realise that schools have different goals and...
  20. RedOrDead

    CAS Rugby 2023

    I don't know if even you know just how right you are Snort. As someone who attended a GPS school, I was SHOCKED when I left and found out just how rubbish some of the GPS schools are as schools, and how amazing some of the CAS and ISA schools are, especially for a more affordable private...