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Search results

  1. K

    AIC Rugby 2013

    Wilkin had a serious injury towards the back end of the season, ruling him out of the Schoolboy comp. He would have probably been in the top 3 or 4 players in AIC last year.
  2. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    What about AIC 2013? Not sure which school has the outstanding 16's year level as i'm not aware of 16's results from this season. Does anyone know which school/s will be contenders next year? I know the Saints entire front row, and all the backs apart from Tkatchenko and Duma will be back next year.
  3. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    That is interesting. Any info about why these players are refusing to play?
  4. K

    Rugby League players who could have/could make the switch

    Me and my mates always talk about how much better the wallabies would have been if Inglis played in last years world cup. He is probably the best natural athlete in either codes and when he is in full flight he is a sight to behold. I hate to say but i reckon the world cup could be in different...
  5. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    I don’t know how St.Peter’s go (likely) undefeated premiers and only manage to get three picks in your combined AIC 1 and 2. And why play Roe at 8 when he has probably been the best 2nd rower all year?
  6. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    The only player who wasn't there last year was the Hooker. The whole 2nd row and back row since year8, same with the 9, 10, and the 12. The others came in gr9 or 10
  7. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

  8. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    It doesn't cost the school anything because the Government pays for it, no parent is asked to subsidize the cost. To be honest I think your view is somewhat discriminative of kids who can't afford to go to a private school. So in your view if a kid's family can't afford to send him to a good...
  9. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Saecom, absolutely love your work. I would love to have a beer with you and hear some of your anecdotes regarding AIC and TAS rugby, regardless that you probably have a good 30 years on me. As for scholarships and recruiting, I can’t provide input on Eddies or any other schools but I do know...
  10. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    My mate coached these boys last year and he said it was probably the worst age group he has ever seen/coached. Just a really bad attitude at training. I really don’t think one specific age group truly reflects the level of competition throughout a whole school.
  11. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Agreed G-Man. There is nothing wrong with supporting your alma mater, but there gets a point when it is over the top and just reflects a bad name upon whoever it is you’re barracking for. Lets try and give an honest report of teams and their performances. If one team clearly dominates another in...
  12. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Bennet did not play last week as he was in hospital with Pneumonia. Balshaw replaced him and he was actually the starting winger before he fractured his skull during trials.
  13. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    I can see why you could assume that, and you make a valid point. But from the two games I have seen him play his skill set definitely translates to a quality no.9 rather than a 10.
  14. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Based on what I have seen this year, thus dismissing last years play and whatever rep sides they have made in the past, I would have the 10 from Ashgrove (Knox) playing 9 and either the Peters 10 Tkatchenko or the Eddies 10 as the AIC halves combination.
  15. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    How could you possibly have Briskie at 9 when the Peters 9 completely outplayed him in every facet last weekend?
  16. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Also does anyone know what the go is for Schoolboys is this year? Is the draw later in the year because the GPS season only begins in term 3 :s
  17. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    I don’t think its too unreasonable to include 4-5 Eddies and Peters players for AIC 1. They are both the only undefeated teams and have pretty much been on a higher tier than the other teams with Marist probably coming in second. I have no idea how any Padua player could be included in the...
  18. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Villa v Peters - Not too sure about Villa this year, haven't really heard enough about them to provide an educated tip. Peters backline is dealing with a myriad of serious health concerns, so it depends on how the replacements play (15, 14). Probably tighter than people will expect, i'm going...
  19. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    Don’t know how bad the injury to Rambi (Peters 15) is, but it will be a massive blow if he is out for the season. Padua forwards were very large but thats about it. The usual 14 had pneumonia, the 12 was at the League carnival and the 1 was also out, not sure why. Pretty average spectacle, with...
  20. K

    AIC Rugby 2012

    The flyhalf was injured with about 20 minutes to go against the game v Iona. Not too sure how serious it is but I have heard he will at least sit out this week. One winger has concussion and is out for one week. I have also heard, the Inside who slotted in at 10 last week has to play in a League...