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  1. MoneyBill685

    QLD Colts 2023

    Not having official touchies has been going on for years in all grades except prems. Pretty normal stuff really. Its just 1 person from each team run the sideline. If there is bias then nothing can be done about it lol. i remember one year there was a clear player run out but the touchie...
  2. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    Totally agree. just from the outside looking in it seems that all chips have been put forward for the prems team at Wests. Their lower grades definitely dont reap the rewards of having a surplus of players in prems. Top players either play prem grade or not at all. I saw Moses Sorovi come...
  3. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    yep you were right. what's the point of putting a team list on rugby Xplorer and then change it on gameday. Are they trying to pull the wool over ppls eyes or something by not revealing their actual team.
  4. MoneyBill685

    AIC 2023

    what happened? Ileft at halftime but Villa were on the comeback?
  5. MoneyBill685

    AIC 2023

    ahh ok fair enough. thanks
  6. MoneyBill685

    AIC 2023

    Anyone know why Villa and Padua are playing on Wednesday?
  7. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    What games we looking forward to this week? I see the wests team line up has 6 changes from last weeks game. Has wests ever had the same team from one week to the next? I get you want your best team on the park that's available but surely the chop and changes aren't good for team chemistry and...
  8. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    wow pretty impressive considering he was a backrower. Don't know who he was behind at the reds but you would of thought he would have had a few more caps.
  9. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    I think that was due to the usual poly boys being bigger than everyone in juniors scenario
  10. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    Yeah he was a gun. Was still running around for easts 4th grade last year and can see he's still got it. Ollie Ovei was another one i really liked from Sunnybank. Really mobile for a hooker which back in those days wasn't really a thing.
  11. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    yeah its pretty unfortunate. Players aren't staying or want to go elsewhere. Off the top of my head players that started at Sunnybank that have left for better opportunities Moses Jones at GPS, Fualalo at Uni, Sam Mataafa at Souths. That doesn't include players that came once when Sunnybank...
  12. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    The coach is fine. .. he was the one that punched the other guy :p
  13. MoneyBill685

    AIC 2023

    How is the rugby league comp in AIC doing? has it taken off? It was great to hear when they announced that they were introducing it into AIC. Imo the nrl market is so strong that if private schools can tap into that then it cant be a bad thing both for sporting opportunities for students as well...
  14. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    I'm sure it happens all the time at clubs. we just never hear about it. Players/ coaches aren't always going to get a long. Although a coach having a crack is unheard of but boys will be boys lol
  15. MoneyBill685

    AIC 2023

    This aged well :D
  16. MoneyBill685

    QLD Colts 2023

    oh ok. I know last year they streamed every womens game on the reds youtube but not sure if they are doing it this year.
  17. MoneyBill685

    QLD Colts 2023

    So they are still doing the Womens games on youtube? Havent seen much promotion for it.
  18. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    Depends which side of the fence you sit. ;) Seeing the teams on paper and the number of wests players contracted to rebels vs easts pro contracted players (zero) you would have thought Wests would win easily and at home. Great result :)
  19. MoneyBill685

    QLD Colts 2023

    been a couple of years the brothers colts haven't lived up to their hype. How good lol
  20. MoneyBill685

    Qld Premier Rugby 2023

    now Mac dont make me eat my words haha :p