I started writing a bit of a spiel about this docking of competition points scenario but deleted it. The Steamer's aren't the first club to suffer this outcome this season but did the power's that be get it right in those other instances? Has the zone painted itself into a corner? Do members of the Board regret their earlier decisions to dock competition points?
I think there is a really simple answer here. Can the SIRU Zone confirm that all player registrations are in order? If they can't, this decision can't stand up. It's that simple.
How is it fair or reasonable that a Shute Shield and NRC player is running around in the competition two weeks out from finals but a team is docked competition points for not having their paperwork in order for a guy who lives in the town and has won Premierships with them? It just doesn't add up.
We should be celebrating the Griffith Blacks being able to host in Week Two (so I can drink cold beer and eat pizza at Il Corso before snoozing in the back of the car on the drive home), not talking about this sort of stuff.
I'll probably get howled down by some members of the rugby community, but this just doesn't feel right.
I haven’t got access to the Border Mail or the DA articles. What’s the equation for Albury making the finals with this weekend’s games? Is there a chance they can miss out?
PB, The Steamer's (4th) are presently 9 points clear of City (5th). Docking 5 points brings that margin back to 4 competition points. Albury are well ahead on points differential (63 points) vs City on (minus 10 points).
Tumut v City this weekend and Tahs v Albury.
City would need to beat Tumut with a bonus point (score 4 or more tries) and the Steamers would need to lose with zero bonus points to Waratahs.
On a side note, you seriously need to download the Rugby Xplorer App....