Phil Waugh (73)
I got free tickets to the Brumbies match (two) and a free ticket for the QF (one - which i didn't need) just for being a registered Subbies player.Cantabs "extra seating" completely untouched, almost comical looking, was it a fenced off hazmat zone? Their rickety 1950's main stands half empty. For a playoff game.NSFW cavernous stadium with great acres of empty seats.The massive Ellis Pawk bathed in sunshine, a sea of red... red empty seats.Either the ticket prices were insanely presumptively greedy or no one gives a fuck. If its the former, Sanzar, READ THE AIR, C**TS. Televising your product worldwide with stadiums 15% full only serves to REALLY make it look like the comp is dying, a self-perpetuating narrative. Biff the local kids some free damn tickets or something
Things are dire.
That said i had great old time, screaming obscenities amidst the sea of dignified members. Interestingly, they turned my teenage sister and her friend away for having ripped jeans. We nearly called it a night right there. Clearly these neanderthals have no idea about fashion. And also actively finding reasons to refuse entry to two of the five folks that actually turned up? sheesh.