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The Cordingley Spite Thread

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Aussie D

Bob Davidson (42)
This topic deserved a thread of its own - this is not a venting thread unless aimed at Cordingley who had a deadset Luaki!

from MSB on the match thread:
Major Spliff Biggins said:
I'm fucking livid with Cordingly and his fucking shithouse decision making and useless ability.

Let that fuckwit never wear a jersey again. The amount of fucking stupid fucking decisions he made in the last 20 minutes is immeasurable.Last play of the game where we even had a chance to pinch it, he needed to join the ruck... did he? No, he stood there looking like the penis with teeth that he is, waiting for the ball to come free. Despite the fact that there were 4 Blacks v 2 Wallabies. Also braindead was the decision to run the ball and go solo when we had pressure on near the tryline with 15 to go.

Bring back Gregan, put Dunning in there... I don't give a fuck, but this fucking tool made some of the stupidist fucking decisions imaginable, and gave away a game we could have won.

Oh, and another genius idea. Lets call for a scrum near halfway when we're 11 points down and 6 minutes to go. Excellent! Let's soak up some time.

Fuck him off in a shower of shit.


and my effort on the same thread...
Aussie D said:
SOFT SOFT SOFT - that was pathetic. The game was there for the taking in the secong half and the mental midget mindset came through again. I was watching the game with my brother (traitorous AB supporting cur that he is ;D ) and said that Deans needed to sub Cordingley just after Henry brought on his subs. Next thing you know he is costing Oz scoring opportunities through either poor service or taking it himself. My brother mentioned it but I was thinking it that their are too many ponies in this Wallaby team. Everyone wants to get the glory and not enough are prepared to roll up the sleeves and do the work. I am glad that Cordingley will most likely never play rugby for Oz again as I couldn't believe how slow his service was in the last minute of the game when the Wallabies needed a try to win.


the loss of viks and elsom next yr will be bareable just because it means cordingly will have fucked off too.
I have to disagree about the last 20 mins though..... it was the whole fucking match.
He took so long to get the ball out i was constantly thinking that Kaplan had blown the game up.
There were so many times that he just stood there and agreeably looked like a giant penis while we were getting counter rucked. But not only that there was that time the he decided to look like a flaccid penis and flop onto the back of the ruck that was under no pressure leaving a forward to pass it out.
There were a couple of times that he didnt look like a penis but that was only the times that he was nowhere to be seen, for example off a kick off we managed to win it and there was cross and tuqiri sealing off the ball but no fucking half back and they just walked around and stole it.

sorry for the language and extended penis metaphor


Alan Cameron (40)
Wow, as mediocre as Cordingly is, the clear standout for fuckwit of the year is Matt Giteau. How much worse can a flyhalf play ?

- aimless kicking ? check
- running sideways ? check
- transferring pressure ? check
- taking the worst possible option ? check
- handing possession to the opposition with 2 minutes left in the game ? check
- showing zero regard for possession and chucking the ball over his shoulder like he's playing touch in the backyard ? check
- finding more ground with his pass than his kicking ? check

Christ we miss Gregan and Larkham.

But I'm glad to see people getting on my anti-Wallaby backs bandwagon. They can't create. They can't finish. They can't tackle. They can't kick. They can't pass. They are only good for 2 things : talking themselves up, and cashing in their underserved pay cheques.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
Naza, you're talking yourself into a prize-winning category I've yet to suggest: bring back Gregan and Larkham? Get a grip son, yesterday's men. We all grow old and get slower. Fact of life, can't be avoided.

Naza disciplinary blasts aside, Cordingley's now one of my mob: too fucking old to compete at the top level. Check his play at the 30 minute mark: waited for the pill to hatch until an AB had a breather and stole it. Again at the 53+ minute mark. And his performance after 80 minutes was deplorable. In his defence, why oh why didn't Dingo replace this geriatric?

Enjoy your croissants in the foothills of the Alps, Sam. Hope you get to Morocco to play golf with Gower on your weekends off. Don't forget to work on your skiing. And if you need a recommendation on which French wine to enjoy, drop me a line.


Alan Cameron (40)
Lindommer said:
Naza, you're talking yourself into a prize-winning category I've yet to suggest: bring back Gregan and Larkham? Get a grip son, yesterday's men. We all grow old and get slower. Fact of life, can't be avoided.

Naza disciplinary blasts aside, Cordingley's now one of my mob: too fucking old to compete at the top level. Check his play at the 30 minute mark: waited for the pill to hatch until an AB had a breather and stole it. Again at the 53+ minute mark.

I didn't say bring them back, I said we miss them. Plenty on here were banging on about how Gregan and Larkham were 'holding us back'. Pretty obvious that's far from the truth.

Cordingly is a stop gap at best and is being employed as such. With Burgess injured, we have nobody else of test quality.


If Larkham was still in Aust I'd want him in the Wallabies!


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Oh thank fuck it wasn't just me. I was swearing at the fucking screen through the whole match about Vanilla Gregan. It was the pommy quarter final from last year all over again.

If he wasn't turning quick ball into slow ball he was no-where to be fucking seen. I mean, where the fuck was he?

I know a lot of this has been said, but I just had to say it again!

And why the fuck wasn't he subbed, other than our 5-2 bench brainfart that we didn't even use!



Knitter of the Scarf
OK, since nobody votes for me as Most Knowledgeable Poster anyway, I might as well post that I thought the Cordingley-Giteau combination was the most ACCURATE Wallaby combination of the tournament. Not the fastest or best, but at least when Cordingley picked the ball up and threw it, it tended to fly to th epoint that Giteau will be at in 1 second. Perfect.

Help me - any other 10s out there thought the Cordingley service had something going for it?


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
even when I stand over a ball on the ground which is lying stationary, pointing the right direction,
after I then have a look to see if there are any gaps around the ruck (as if there were a ruck), and decide "no, not this time",
have a look at where I need to pass it to
back at the ball and then pass it.
Even I hit the mark.

The point is it's irrelevant.

It's so simple to score tries when you're moving forward at pace - witness Horwills in second half. Cordingly makes it all very, very difficult for everyone else.

And you know what, I'm not even sure he was that accurate. e.g. bullet pass a metre over McMinimums head when on the charge.

Major Spliff Biggins

Fred Wood (13)
I would rarely, if ever blame a defeat solely on one person's shoulders... but my god.... the decision making alone from Cordingly aside from the delayed passes were woeful.

Naza, I disagree that Giteau can take as much blame as he helped put some points on the board. He made up for his errors to an extent. My hope is that Quade Cooper and Beale can step into the 10 role in the ensuing years, as Giteau is probably best as a 12. Bit too much of the Carlos about him.

Back to Cordingly, he made some crucial crucial errors at times when we had a chance. Again the last ruck was an excellent microcosm of the game; with our players outnumbered at the ruck and Cordingly looking at it.

I never thought I'd see the day when I wanted Sheehan on the field for Australia, :eek:
But he could NOT have been any worse than Cordingly in the deciding minutes, and certainly would have got into the ruck. For fuck sake, even Tuquiri did.

Scarfman I agree that then are marked improvements in the Oz team and I have confidence that they getting better by the day under Deans, but with Burgess and Giteau would have won that game. Here, I've said it!
(fuck with Henjak we could have won it!)


George Gregan (70)
As I said elsewhere - several times all he needed to do was get the fucking ball out rather than give time for the ABs to realign their defense. Shit, Elsom hopped onto the back and delivered a pass as accurate as Cordingley's in the leadup to what was eventually Cordingley's stupid attempt to go it himself and get nailed.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
Scarfman said:
OK, since nobody votes for me as Most Knowledgeable Poster anyway, I might as well post that I thought the Cordingley-Giteau combination was the most ACCURATE Wallaby combination of the tournament. Not the fastest or best, but at least when Cordingley picked the ball up and threw it, it tended to fly to the point that Giteau will be at in 1 second. Perfect.

Help me - any other 10s out there thought the Cordingley service had something going for it?

You're right Scarfie, you're not the MKP. With comments like this you'd be the dunce in that class. Gagger's quite right: with the time he takes of course Sam's passes will be accurate. In fact if you switch the telly on now you'll see Cordingley finishing off rearranging the backs to get the intended recipient of his next pass in a millimetre-perfect position. NO, not yet, he wants to have a breather. Bugger, Giteau's dropped his left hand a touch. STOP, says Sam, have to start all this again. 8) 8) 8)


Alan Cameron (40)
Lindommer said:
Gagger's quite right: with the time he takes of course Sam's passes will be accurate. In fact if you switch the telly on now you'll see Cordingley finishing off rearranging the backs to get the intended recipient of his next pass in a millimetre-perfect position. NO, not yet, he wants to have a breather. Bugger, Giteau's dropped his left hand a touch. STOP, says Sam, have to start all this again.

Make up your minds guys. You were crawling all over Burgess saying he wasn't accurate enough. Cordingly's spells off the bench had you thrashwanking over what a difference he made. Burgess is fast but sacrifices accuracy. Cordingly accurate but sacrifices some speed. Pick your poison.

Of course you ignore the common denominator in the poor showing by our inside backs - Giteau's awful play.


Chilla Wilson (44)
And you know what, I'm not even sure he was that accurate. e.g. bullet pass a metre over McMinimums head when on the charge.

That was a shocker I'm glad you mentioned that Mcmeniman had ran the perfect line & if that ball had been out in front of his chest he was going over. I was at the game & that was right in front of me & the kiwis were thin on the fringes were MMM was looking to fly into the gap full tilt.

Got to agree with Naza on Giteau, Giteau isn't a playmaker he's a ball runner & a very good one. Rod Kafer has said all along that Gits & Barnes should swap & I agree.

We need Lucas & Burgess to be given plenty of game time on the spring tour.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I've got to agree with Naza here. You guys gave it to Burgess for not being accurate enough and too quick for the backs to get in position, now you're giving it too cordingly for being accurate and giving the backs time to get there. you can't have it both ways


best service from the ruck came in the second half when elsom pushed in front of cordingly and passed an accurate pass as soon as he got there leaving cordingly looking completly lost


Knitter of the Scarf
Major Spliff Biggins said:
Naza, I disagree that Giteau can take as much blame as he helped put some points on the board. He made up for his errors to an extent. My hope is that Quade Cooper and Beale can step into the 10 role in the ensuing years, as Giteau is probably best as a 12. Bit too much of the Carlos about him.

Which variety of Carlos do you want: Giteau, Beale, or Cooper. There's only 2 flyhalves who play more like Mehrtens: Barnes and SNK.

I reckon 12. Giteau 13. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is a world-beating midfield.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Scarfman said:
Major Spliff Biggins said:
Naza, I disagree that Giteau can take as much blame as he helped put some points on the board. He made up for his errors to an extent. My hope is that Quade Cooper and Beale can step into the 10 role in the ensuing years, as Giteau is probably best as a 12. Bit too much of the Carlos about him.

Which variety of Carlos do you want: Giteau, Beale, or Cooper. There's only 2 flyhalves who play more like Mehrtens: Barnes and SNK.

I reckon 12. Giteau 13. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is a world-beating midfield.

And Mortlock?


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Virgil said:
And Mortlock?

Very interesting question. I was a "Mortlock is a given" until yesterday.

Cross has stepped into Mortlocks role as strongest runner on the field, and Mortlock's been committing some heinous defensive errors (see his running out of the line for Carters try). Thank christ he no longer has the goal kicking duties and as for his captainship? - dare I say it but since he's taken the reigns we've won jack shit and now look more mentally fragile than ever, including the mental holiday that lost us the Tri-Nations yesterday?

As for Burgess' accuracy, I realise I wasn't posting here then so it doesn't count, but for me that sacrifice in accuracy was always worth it. Even after his most shocking games accuracy wise, Burgess was still an asset to the team. You get the ball 2 seconds quicker at each breakdown and barring a fuck-up somewhere else, you've got a try within 6 phases. Simple as. Or if kicking, oppo wingers and full back are out of position. It's the only way to break down the modern game.

For those balls that don't actually go to hand, unless they go 30 yards back, cleaning them up is no worse than slow ball, it's just an extra ruck. Of course I'd rather have both (accuracy and speed) but definitely know which is more important.

On top of that Burgess also doesn't need a zimmer frame when attacking around the ruck, nor does he send a telegraph beforehand.

Lindommer was right, with Burgess (and Barnes for good measure) this game was in the bag


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Just watched the game - family wedding last night (who schedules a wedding on Bledisloe night????).
Cordingley poor no doubt - unbelievably slow. He didn't lose us the game, but he didn't help to win it much.
Burgess, for all his frailties, will get better and should make the 9 jersey his own.
I have maintained all along Giteau is a 12, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is a 13. They are playing out of position due to lack of options in 10 and 15. Shame is we have 2 up and comers at 13 (AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Cross) and one on the wane (Morty). Can't play 'em all.
The EOYT will hopefully throw up some other options, but I have my doubts.
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