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Sydney University Football Club

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I'll bite.

Any reports on how the 150 year anniversary tour to the NH went?

Was is a "normal" Shute Shield touring party, or was it a full strength SUFC squad including the SupeRugby pros?


Bob Loudon (25)
Re NH tour. I am pretty certain it was a student team.

A number of recent ex-students in the mix. Look likes an exclusive club based on the GPS/CAS/Syd Uni College representations - possibly one of those tours that required a loan (evergreen with no interest) from Dad's Bank to top up the fund raising etc.

Results where interesting - not in same class as the Oxbridge lads but otherwise did well. The tweets indicated a good time was had by all (including the following supporters).

Separately, looking forward, I wonder if any of the fringe first graders will be tempted back to district clubs to further their careers with the advent of the NRC.


Alfred Walker (16)
Out at Penrith today it was hot and got heated! Tom Carter got dropped on his head, a Penrith player moved in with some niggle and ill intent and the referee pushed him away!! Go the Ref!
I think I counted three red cards and maybe the same in yellow across the day.
By the way. My son has started playing for Uni after moving up to Glebe to study at the Uni. Whatever complaints people have about Uni, it is starting to give me the shits. This kid plays for Uni simply because it is a 10 minute walk to St John's Oval and he likes playing Rugby. He is not the only one. They are not all Aussie Schoolboys.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Congratulations to Sydney Uni on their fine win in a very tough Australian Club Championship game last night.I hope the boys enjoyed their trip to Tigerland. Sydney Uni were certainly a well drilled outfit. Forwards were very impressive, particularly the tight five. The front row demolished the Easts boys on a few occasions, particularly in the 2nd half. #5 Winton had an outstanding game, marred only by a first half visit to the sin bin (harsh call by the ref in my opinion). He was my standout forward for the night, followed closely by #6 Boidin. #2 Willan had a terrific game and is a solid player - if he can learn to throw straight to the lineout he will be S15 material.

#11 English is a classic winger who has genuine pace. He had a great game and scored a superb try. EDIT: Sunday Mail said it was Dargaville who scored. Sorry! Was good to see the wingers get plenty of ball - always makes for entertaining rugby when the pace men are involved.

Sydney uni defence was incredible in that second half. If this team can tighten up its ball security and improve its kicking game it will be a very hard team to beat this year.

Top marks to the Easts boys for a splendid effort last night. There is no shame in losing such a close match to a first class team.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Umm @Couldabeen says Tom Carter was dropped on his head at Penrith. @Pauly reports on the Australian Club Championship game between Uni and Easts Bne.

Is Tom Carter no longer seen as 1st choice by Uni? Why was TC at Penrith not Brissie?


Alfred Walker (16)
Is Tom Carter no longer seen as 1st choice by Uni?
I thought he retired after the grand final last year and was surprised to see him there, upside down or otherwise. Maybe just retired from first grade. Maybe someone in the know can tell us.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Umm @Couldabeen says Tom Carter was dropped on his head at Penrith. @Pauly reports on the Australian Club Championship game between Uni and Easts Bne.

Is Tom Carter no longer seen as 1st choice by Uni? Why was TC at Penrith not Brissie?
He had retired, but came back to help out a bit. Apparently awaiting birth of child, so did not want to travel out of town.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Makes sense. Thanks.

Breeding season at Uni is it? I read that David Haig has also just become a father. Congrats to the new extended Haig family.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
He had retired, but came back to help out a bit. Apparently awaiting birth of child, so did not want to travel out of town.
Cyclo, he hasn't "come back to help out a bit". Having retired from the professional game, he'll be more committed to club rugby than ever. He seems to be massively enjoying the idea of not being told how he has to play.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Cyclo, he hasn't "come back to help out a bit". Having retired from the professional game, he'll be more committed to club rugby than ever. He seems to be massively enjoying the idea of not being told how he has to play.
My misunderstanding - I thought he had retired fully. Sorry.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
My misunderstanding - I thought he had retired fully. Sorry.
No need to apologise, Cyclo. Tommy certainly indicated that it was a full retirement despite bullying from people like me to keep going.

I think that what he is doing may be emulated by others in future. The professional footballer's life is greatly overrated. Being constantly told what to do by people for whom you may have little respect, particularly in terms of them being honest with you, is not an idyllic environment.

Rather than hanging around until your body is broken or you can no longer get a contract anywhere, there is the alternative of walking away a couple of seasons earlier and playing with your mates while you begin to establish yourself in a rest-of-life career.

And uncontracted players can't be drafted into playing for a club they have no affinity with by people who openly assert that because they pay you a wage they own you.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
We traditionalists are constantly being told to accept the fact that the game has moved on and is now a business; and because of being in the entertainment business, we need to fiddle with the Laws to ensure that we play "smart creative running rugby", to quote the current Czar.

What we should focus on and be proud of is that, uniquely among the football codes, professional players including ex-internationals can come back and freely participate in the competitions and with the clubs that built our sport, that is, the premier level competitions in Sydney and Brisbane. That is not something we should be ashamed of and want to change. It's something we should celebrate and treasure. Rugby in Australia is still a game for the players and doesn't belong to the blow-ins who draw handsome salaries from it.


Trevor Allan (34)
Cyclo, he hasn't "come back to help out a bit". Having retired from the professional game, he'll be more committed to club rugby than ever. He seems to be massively enjoying the idea of not being told how he has to play.

I would suggest if Tom didn't find it enjoyable being told how to play in the professional game he might need to take a look at the ability he has. I think you need to be an outstanding player at the level you play at to command a direction of the playing style.

Tom was never close to an outstanding player considering nearly every bloke who is a long term regular starting member at the Waratahs normally gets a few tests at the minimum. Tom didn't achieve this for multiple reasons. Like it or not I would suggest the public perception of him and his antics is one.

Appreciate the passion he has for club rugby though great to see.


Ted Thorn (20)
Cyclo, he hasn't "come back to help out a bit". Having retired from the professional game, he'll be more committed to club rugby than ever. He seems to be massively enjoying the idea of not being told how he has to play.

It's funny you should say that last sentence, because when I watched Carter play for the Tahs, especially in his last few years, I always got the impression that he was restricted to solely being a hit-up merchant. I don't think he was ever allowed to fully demonstrate his abilities in the NSW gameplan, unlike at Uni where he's been able to show his solid passing game rather than just taking crash balls.

Not sure if that's what you are referring to but it's something I always noticed watching him play. As much as I love to hate the bloke, I still believe he was a bit dudded by the Tahs coaching staff.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
It's funny you should say that last sentence, because when I watched Carter play for the Tahs, especially in his last few years, I always got the impression that he was restricted to solely being a hit-up merchant. I don't think he was ever allowed to fully demonstrate his abilities in the NSW gameplan, unlike at Uni where he's been able to show his solid passing game rather than just taking crash balls.

Not sure if that's what you are referring to but it's something I always noticed watching him play. As much as I love to hate the bloke, I still believe he was a bit dudded by the Tahs coaching staff.

TC had a great game for the Tahs v British Lions last year and seemed to have been given a free hand to play his own game. I agree it's great to see him playing on to help the students out and I'm sure the supporters of a few rival clubs will be pleased to see him as well ;)


Phil Hardcastle (33)
Great win by Syd Uni on the weekend.

....but on a side note....no shute shield team should be able to have more than 5 Super Rugby players in their squad....
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