Hugh Jarse
Rocky Elsom (76)
Clarkies Boy restarts. PK to CAN for deliberate knockdown.
Kicked downfield for CAN lineout.
Error CAN . Aus scrum in CAN territory. Grind it up into 22, and 11. Alex Gibbon gets meat off Clarkies Boy. Aus 5 - CAN 5.
Clarkies Boy adds the extras for Gold to take the Lead Aus 7 CAN 5. 4:17 left.
CAN kick back into Aus Goal line. Clarkies Boy kicks down field. CAN Lineout midway 22m and 1/2 way line.
CAN penalised for not releasing ball in the tackle. Aus tap and go. Aus knock on - bugger. CAN Scrum 2:44 left. Will it come down to the conversion?
CAN grind it up to Aus 10 metre line and win lineout.
CAN an win lineout (and probably the game) by spreading the pill wide from the lineout. Meat and chopsticks for Red. CAN 12 Aus 7 - 1 minute to go. Shizzen!! Warning - Danger Will Robinson!!!
Wow. From the Kickoff, it's gathered by Pakalani to Clarkies Boy to 10. Paul Asquith for meat and chopsticks. Clarkies boy adds the extras after the siren. Aus 14 Can 12.
Very lucky to win that one. Canada very impressive.
Gold vs Black in the Semis, and Fiji Wizards vs Soap Dodgers on the other side of the draw.
Kicked downfield for CAN lineout.
Error CAN . Aus scrum in CAN territory. Grind it up into 22, and 11. Alex Gibbon gets meat off Clarkies Boy. Aus 5 - CAN 5.
Clarkies Boy adds the extras for Gold to take the Lead Aus 7 CAN 5. 4:17 left.
CAN kick back into Aus Goal line. Clarkies Boy kicks down field. CAN Lineout midway 22m and 1/2 way line.
CAN penalised for not releasing ball in the tackle. Aus tap and go. Aus knock on - bugger. CAN Scrum 2:44 left. Will it come down to the conversion?
CAN grind it up to Aus 10 metre line and win lineout.
CAN an win lineout (and probably the game) by spreading the pill wide from the lineout. Meat and chopsticks for Red. CAN 12 Aus 7 - 1 minute to go. Shizzen!! Warning - Danger Will Robinson!!!
Wow. From the Kickoff, it's gathered by Pakalani to Clarkies Boy to 10. Paul Asquith for meat and chopsticks. Clarkies boy adds the extras after the siren. Aus 14 Can 12.
Very lucky to win that one. Canada very impressive.
Gold vs Black in the Semis, and Fiji Wizards vs Soap Dodgers on the other side of the draw.