Dismal. Every white foreigner there;
"IIII'm the star of the show....."
"No, IIIII'm the star of the show...."
"No, you're both mistaken, i think you'll find IIIII'm the star of the show."
I dont even know why these showpony gaijin go there other than to walk around the streets trying to be the star of their own little show.
Tower Records vinyl section was surprisingly good: Loved their 70% off LP area. Got an Ed Kuepper LP there
One store ("Mothers Records") I walk in and theres no shelves just LP stacks starting on the floor and rising vertically so impossible to sort through. Immediately the mentally-ill oyaji vendor standing amidst his stacks of records says "no LP's for sale. lp's online, only CD's for sale" and then he stared at me, willing me with every fibre of his body language to leave the store. I turned on the charm flashing my megawatt smile and continued browsing for a few minutes just to spite him as his eyes bore holes in me.