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Graham Henry: "That little prick [Quade] Cooper helped us.''

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Peter Fenwicke (45)
Nice back handed compliment he gave Steven Donald, showed a touch of class from Henry. Not too worried about the Cooper comment as it's the kind of thing that goes on between fierce rivals.


Here is he's thoughts on England
'England has top-draw attacking players (but) they are seldom used.
'It sometimes seems that England are world champions at wasting talent.
'At national level and at club level English teams are far too worried about securing possession.
'No wonder England had trouble scoring tries against the better teams at the World Cup.'


somewhere between England worrying too much about securing possession and Australia kicking it away lies a world cup
Yes its name is Johnny Wilkinson

Some follow up
A fuming Sir Graham Henry said he had called in his lawyer after his comments at a rugby club function were printed in the press.

The former All Blacks coach was quoted from a fundraising dinner in Napier on Thursday night, stating he would have left the country if the All Blacks had lost the Rugby World Cup final to France.

"I would have been in the south of France smoking marijuana and drinking red wine," he apparently said. "I would still have the same woman ... nobody else would have me."

Asked about his comments yesterday, Henry was furious: "It shouldn't be in the paper. It was done as a fundraiser for Hawke's Bay Rugby."

An Evening with Sir Graham Henry was a $120 per head dinner at the East Pier on the Napier waterfront raising funds for the Hawke's Bay's rugby development programme.

Henry said he'd had an arrangement with the event organisers that there would be no media coverage.

"I said at the time it wasn't for publication and I don't know how it got into the papers. I asked the people running it that there be no reporters."


Bah who cares, why's Ted calling the lawyers? You pretty much can't run for public office in the US without saying you have recreationally used illicit substances and NZ is a lot less socially conservative than the States in my (limited) experience. And the fact that the 2011 All Blacks thoroughly hated Quade Cooper is the biggest non-shocker I've heard all week.


Mark Ella (57)
The only thing left in this little soap opra is for Quade too come out and defend Henry in public. That "little prick" will smell like roses.

Henry needs a bex and a lie down by the sounds of it. Dope comment was harmless but really no need for the Quade remarks. I thought a man of his experience would show better judgement.


Bob Davidson (42)
Henry deserves to be pissed off but he should hardly be surprised in this day and age of social media and 'headline at all costs' journalism. Bloody disappointing that the 'what goes on tour stays on tour' ethos seems to have disappeared.

Storm in a teacup though. Most people would take his comments for what they were.


Dave Cowper (27)
He is my fav Aussie. Think he is a great character and like a lo of rugby players do get caught up in the heat of the moment. Like Corne Krige. Take that away from him and you take a big part of his intensity away and sit with a shit player. Kiwi's are going after him because of his scuffle with McCaw and the that lost which cost them the Tri Nations. 95 it was food poisoning, 99 the Dirty French, 2007 The cheating french, 2011 a fly half ruffing up a loose forward. Let me say it one more time a FLYHALF ruffing up a hard as nails loose forward. When did little girls start playing rugby?

I think that is the whole point. It did bugger all to McCaw, but Cooper spent too much time, focus and energy f#ckin' around with McCaw when he had more pressing matters at hand.


I think that is the whole point. It did bugger all to McCaw, but Cooper spent too much time, focus and energy f#ckin' around with McCaw when he had more pressing matters at hand.
Vice versa


Cyril Towers (30)
Vice versa

...not quite Spoony. At the end of the day, Ritchie McCaw captained his team to a World Cup title and Quade choked under all the pressure that he had largely created for himself.

I'm sure if they both had to have their time again, McCaw would do everything exactly the same again. Do you think Quade could say the same thing?


Trevor Allan (34)
Vice versa

Really? I actually both players pretty much so brushed it off and let the media & very nervous about QC (Quade Cooper) NZ public run with it.

At the end of the day, there is probably no player in world rugby who take more criticism and more plaudits than McCaw. QC (Quade Cooper) is a media loving magnet who, in my opinion, targeted Richie to help boost his profile - which certainly worked.

Henry knows this and was just having a laugh with a room full of old rugby pissheads.
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