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  1. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    2nds game was a real arm-wrestle, Barker won something like 30-0 in their first clash and you could see the determination in the cranbrook team to win with their defensive effort. Credit to both teams who played well in a very tough match.
  2. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Also hearing that Goodearl might be injured for this thursday's game, could anyone confirm whether this is true?
  3. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    I think Van der Zyl (K) will be selected if this is true. He has good size and is a damaging ball runner. I also think Nick Makas (C) would be a suitable replacement, he is a workhorse and an excellent defender.
  4. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Their captain Devan Stoltz
  5. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Thanks for picking me up on that, just a little mix up. I agree with Barkley Brown but who would you play him instead of?
  6. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Possible CAS 1st XV, keep in mind i do not have much knowledge about Knox players 1. Satiu (T) 2. Koutsoukis (W) 3. Slack Smith (B), Horton Patch (C), Mclean (T) 4. Williams (A) 5. Borkowski (C), Heeny (W), don't know many other good 2nd rowers, feel free to fill me in 6. Story (T), Burkett (B)...
  7. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    CAS has got an independent film company that provides game tapes for each school via a private you tube link. I'm sure your nephew could get the link for each game off his coach and then email it too you
  8. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Barker to win comfortably tomorrow over Cranbrook. Apparently 4 players out for Cranbrook and whilst i think the forwards will be an even battle, the Barker backs will prove to be too strong
  9. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Fair enough, I haven't seen Davis play this year but he could tear up opposition defenses when given the chance last year. Looking forward to the Barker vs Cranbrook game on Saturday.
  10. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    No cranbrook players and no tyson davis?
  11. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Dylan Goodearl was the standout for aloys. Very strong ball runner and beat the first up tackler most times. Defense was rock solid as well.
  12. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Do you know what is wrong with the other three (Satiu, Moala and Kotobalavu) and how long they will be out for?
  13. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    What was the score in the Barker vs Oakhill match?
  14. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Augustines beat Waverly 41-26, any scores from the other games?
  15. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    For Cranbrook vs aloys, looks to be some good depth this year in the Cranbrook squad 1s: 31-14 2s: 41-0 3s: 55-0
  16. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Cranbrook to play Aloys this Saturday, top two teams from each age group play. Are any other schools apart from Knox playing in any trial matches this weekend?
  17. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Not sure of the dates but Cranbrook also has a tiral against Collingwood as well as Aloys, St Pius and Grammar this term
  18. C

    CAS Rugby 2013

    Any possible teams from Cranbrook or Aloys?
  19. C

    NSW AAGPS Rugby 2012

    I believe 22 was the usual winger Seamus Frost, must have forgotten his jersey
  20. C

    NSW AAGPS Rugby 2012

    Newington beat scots, not 100% sure of the score