Steve Williams (59)
Who actually "hates" a player? I find this notion odd. It also is an easy way to dismiss any valid criticism of something they did or said as being born of some pathological loathing, apparently based on their geographic position relative to a watercourse.
I think Cooper is a valuable asset for Qld and Oz. At his best, I like watching him play, at his worst I shut my eyes sometimes. When he had his say, I didn't like what he said or how he said it really. I think he should be sanctioned for it in some way.
That's not hate, it's a reasoned position that's not entirely favourable.
I agree with some of what you say. However, some of the vilification of players is so over the top that it is hard not to assign the word hate. There are some players who can do no right in the eyes of certain fans. Quade Cooper certainly being one.
But it is not confined to him - the level of vitriol directed at the likes of Gregan, Gitaeu, Elsom, Carter & Horne amongst others has gone way beyond valid criticism at times. I don't think the description 'pathological loathing' would have been out of place at times.
Likewise, I find it strange that some seem to have the view 'this is my opinion and if you don't agree you must be stupid'.
I like a good healthy rival as much as the next person, but some of the opinions expressed about players go beyond valid criticism.