Scots +3
View + 12
King +11
Got to wish luck to Scots today Subbies, the task is always a little more difficult at the HH Asylum, game of the round imho. If there is one school that battles Joeys, as hard as View, it would the boys from the East. The pink and blue fireants will call on speed and fitness too, as is their MO, won't necessarily rely on size, Scots have some talent lined up ready to do battle. Have fun squinting into the sun trying to follow the match.
Haven't heard a tip either way from the Head of C o E, King Charles all week regarding who is going to win between Navy or Sky blue today (unusual, I know, but he has been crook). Navy blue go in as favorites, but there will be some fight in the young Sky blue side, so wouldn't be surprised to see an upset.
New' are one of the oldest GPS schools to play rugby, so deserve respect, they certainly have some large forwards. I believe if View can keep the ball in hand, their substancial fittness and speed will bring home a win on the hallowed Riverview turf today.
Oh, a special thank you mention to Mrallpushnopull2 for all his positive reinforment in all the comment section today