Paul McLean (56)
On a side note - if we put aside any personal issues these players have with the Reds organisation, this incident further highlights the problems faced with the current 'sign them young' attitude that is all through Australian sports.
These players quite obviously have a fairly high regard for their skills and believe they can get more for their services. This mentality is likely inherit in most professional players who were identified at a young age and guided through a pathway, with financial incentives, to keep them committed to their cause. The notion that Isaac Lucas is worth more at this stage of his career than whatever the Reds are paying him totally blows my mind. But at the same time, I can see how he would see himself in that light, with the aid of his manager of course.
I don't know the answer to this but I've always had a problem when I read stories of high school prodigies being signed up at 15 years old. It's nothing overly new, I actually played with several NZ boys when I was 14 who had been signed by the Broncos and flown to Brisbane for training and schooling and this was quite a while ago. I think this Reds trio scenario is partially a reflection on that mentality in our sports whereby we create these beasts by giving them such a leg up.
These players quite obviously have a fairly high regard for their skills and believe they can get more for their services. This mentality is likely inherit in most professional players who were identified at a young age and guided through a pathway, with financial incentives, to keep them committed to their cause. The notion that Isaac Lucas is worth more at this stage of his career than whatever the Reds are paying him totally blows my mind. But at the same time, I can see how he would see himself in that light, with the aid of his manager of course.
I don't know the answer to this but I've always had a problem when I read stories of high school prodigies being signed up at 15 years old. It's nothing overly new, I actually played with several NZ boys when I was 14 who had been signed by the Broncos and flown to Brisbane for training and schooling and this was quite a while ago. I think this Reds trio scenario is partially a reflection on that mentality in our sports whereby we create these beasts by giving them such a leg up.