The wait is finally over with Melbourne being named as the new Super 15 franchise that will enter the Super rugby competition in 2011. Just how the announcement will be greeted in Melbourne remains to be seen after the city was left standing at the altar some years ago when the fourth franchise went West.
There has been more than enough written in recent months about the lack of interest shown in sports capital of Australia at the promise of a Super rugby team, so it appears as though the ARU Thought Police will have their work cut out trying to indoctrinate the locals.
It was will some relief that JO’N proclaimed the announcement was a “vote for commonsense”. This statement was particularly ironic after the ARU seemed to show very little commonsense during a process that reportedly pissed-off every single bidder involved.
What is interesting is to read the decision handed down by the Determination Panel of David “Captain” Kirk and former NZ beak, Barry Paterson. For those who thought the Melbourne team was always a done deal, it offers some sobering words.
“The Southern Kings proposal was more advanced with regard to business and financial planning and organization structure and governance. The Southern Kings were also able to point to a strong rugby tradition, a large playing base and presented a stronger case than Melbourne as to their rugby readiness.
“These strengths of the Southern King’s Application did not, however, offset the benefits in geographical location and commercial value to SANZAR (both of which criteria the Experts were asked to place considerable weight on) that the Melbourne Application was able to deliver.”
So it came down to a commercial decision rather that a decision based on pure rugby. Maybe that’s just words to placate the Saffer contingent of SANZAR however the amount of work to be done in Melbourne over the next twelve months is massive.
But I guess today is not a day to worry about such minor detail; it is a day to bask in the glory and shout it from the roof tops – as JO’N duly did.
“This is the right decision for SANZAR and it’s a momentous day for Australian rugby and the people of Melbourne.” proclaimed the King.
I wonder if the people of Melbourne realise just how momentous a day today is?