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QLD Colts - 2016

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Time to start the Season 2016 wang.

Any movements in the Coaching ranks?

Which Clubs are the 2015 Year 12 graduates going to?

Who is going to bypass Colts and head straight into Premier Rugby in their first year out of School?

2016 will see us farewell most of the Class of 2013 to Grade footy, and a chunk of the Class of 2014 will not see much Colts action either due to early promotion to Grade, or being absent on State and National Under 20 Representative duties.


Colin Windon (37)
Harry Hockings (ACGS) and Hamish Stewart (TGS) are being heavily recruited by Uni

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Red Heavy

Billy Sheehan (19)
Hamish's older brother plays at Uni (although it looks like Hamish will be getting a 1/2 bond scholarship) as did Harry Hockings 3 older brothers. Not sure "heavily recruited" is the right phrase


Ted Fahey (11)

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Sounds like a lot are being "heavily recruited" by Uni. There are several that are going for the Bond University Scholarship. I think young Riley (TSS) and Gavin Luka (NC) have applied and would be highly favoured by Bond.

The rest well who knows. I would prefer an even spread of talent rather than Uni getting all the "cream". Makes the competition less competitive and I think the competition is what makes the players. Just look at this years Qld GPS competition. It was played at a very high level with lots of upsets (bit more exciting right!).

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
Uni have recruited heavily amongst the schoolboys leaving this year and will definately have the strongest Colts program in 2016 (albeit that there might be a few that play up a grade or 2). I was surprised to hear some of the names that are going to register or have taken scholarships. Some that I thought would still be in the running for the Bond Scholarship. As you say Sage it would be better for the game to have an even spread across the teams however not all the Clubs have that scholarship carrot.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Is there any sort of cap system in place to prevent the warehousing of talent by the "richer" clubs in QPR Colts?

While a little imperfect, in Sydney the Colts 1's are allowed to field a team worth 40 points with Aust Schoolboys being worth 6 points, State Reps being 4 points each, with discounts being available if they are "local" juniors. All other players are 2 point players. This makes it hard, but not impossible, to warehouse all the talented rep players in one club.

Caveat: Not all Schoolboy or State Rep players carry their form into Colts footy, and there are plenty of "battlers" that catch up to and pass the lads with the impressive Schoolboy Rugby Scrapbooks.


Charlie Fox (21)
Is there any sort of cap system in place to prevent the warehousing of talent by the "richer" clubs in QPR Colts?

While a little imperfect, in Sydney the Colts 1's are allowed to field a team worth 40 points with Aust Schoolboys being worth 6 points, State Reps being 4 points each, with discounts being available if they are "local" juniors. All other players are 2 point players. This makes it hard, but not impossible, to warehouse all the talented rep players in one club.

Caveat: Not all Schoolboy or State Rep players carry their form into Colts footy, and there are plenty of "battlers" that catch up to and pass the lads with the impressive Schoolboy Rugby Scrapbooks.

This years UQ forwards would have gone close to the cap - 38 points

1. McColl - 6
2. Webb - 4
3. Vui - 6
4. O'hara - 2
5. Scott-Young - 4
6. Jones - 6
7. Maroney - 6
8. Schultz - 4

Would you call that warehousing?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Some clubs down our way did similar "back in the day", and allegedly even had Schoolboy Reps playing in Colts 3rds (behind Aust Schoolboys in Colts 1 and Colts 2s).

The Pulveriser's own lad (former Aust Schoolboy) has recently changed clubs in order to get a gig playing Premier Grade rather than playing seconds or thirds if he had stayed at his previous club.

Ultimately market forces will prevail and the aspirational players will go to where they believe they stand the best chance of getting a run in the limelight.


Charlie Fox (21)
Some clubs down our way did similar "back in the day", and allegedly even had Schoolboy Reps playing in Colts 3rds (behind Aust Schoolboys in Colts 1 and Colts 2s).

The Pulveriser's own lad (former Aust Schoolboy) has recently changed clubs in order to get a gig playing Premier Grade rather than playing seconds or thirds if he had stayed at his previous club.

Ultimately market forces will prevail and the aspirational players will go to where they believe they stand the best chance of getting a run in the limelight.

The backline only totalled a mere 30 points -

9. Sorovi - 6
10. Horan - 4
11. Edwards - 4
12. Wathen - 4/ Russell - 4
13. Jenkins - 2
14. Jurd - 6
15. Setu - 4

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Ha ha ha ha, 78 points in "Sydney speak". Most First Grade teams in Shute Shield would get nowhere where near 78 Player Points.

Did the UQ All Stars win this year?

By comparison the Sydney 2015 Premiers (Sydney Uni) points in the GF were:
1. Bliss - 1
2. Fainga - 1
3. Ridley - 2
4. Schwager - 1
5. Williams - 1
6. Halifonoa - 2
7. Moore - 2
8. McCalman - 5
9. Duffy - 6
10. O'Shea - 6
11. Kagiassis - 1
12. Davies - 1
13. Redden - 1
14. Yassmin - 1
15 - Porter - 4
Total 35 points

Note that a players value is reduced by 1 point for "loyalty" for each year they are with the club up to a maximum of 50% of their base value. ie a 2 point player can only be reduced to 1 point, or a State rep can only be reduced to 2 points after two years "loyalty". In this case as an example, McCalman (Schoolboy Captain from 2013) has had his points reduced from 6 to 5 for 1 years loyal service to Sydney Uni.

Fresh reserves count against the points cap, but if the reserve has played Colts 2, their points are considered to be zero when considering the Colts 1 points cap.


Charlie Fox (21)
Ha ha ha ha, 78 points in "Sydney speak". Most First Grade teams in Shute Shield would get nowhere where 78 Player Points.

Did the UQ All Stars win this year?

By comparison the Sydney 2015 Premiers (Sydney Uni) points in the GF were:
1. Bliss - 1
2. Fainga - 1
3. Ridley - 2
4. Schwager - 1
5. Williams - 1
6. Halifonoa - 2
7. Moore - 2
8. McCalman - 5
9. Duffy - 6
10. O'Shea - 6
11. Kagiassis - 1
12. Davies - 1
13. Redden - 1
14. Yassmin - 1
15 - Porter - 4
Total 35 points

Note that a players value is reduced by 1 point for "loyalty" for each year they are with the club up to a maximum of 50% of their base value. ie a 2 point player can only be reduced to 1 point, or a State rep can only be reduced to 2 points after two years "loyalty". In this case as an example, McCalman (Schoolboy Captain from 2013) has had his points reduced from 6 to 5 for 1 years loyal service to Sydney Uni.

Fresh reserves count against the points cap, but if the reserve has played Colts 2, their points are considered to be zero when considering the Colts 1 points cap.
Premiers & only lost 1 game all season. Congrats to Easts for that hiccup!

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
A big thanks to Ben McCormack and Matt Kaye for their presentation last night at Brothers Rugby Club. As always the message was simple, pure and to the point (what you expect from the club!).

There was no fancy talk of houses, money or anything like that. It was "We are Brothers, we love rugby and hopefully you young guys will enjoy your rugby here!"

Good crowd of current young players, whom were all welcome. Very prominent was the message that you leave your inter-school "rivalries" at the door! The theme of "playing for your brother" and mateship was prominent and is the foundation/underlying culture of the club: hence the success.

Also thanks to Sam Cordingley for outlining the potential higher honours for the boys!

unsub god

Herbert Moran (7)
Wests have worked hard to rekindle their links with BBC this year. It appears there will be a real Green/White/Black flavour to the Doggies Colts next season. Let's hope they might unearth the next Gould, Genia or Roe...

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Yes I heard at least Jack Farrell will be there and maybe one or two others.

Probably more interested in where the TGS and Churchie guys will be next year. James McMillian was at the Brothers meeting, which would be a good for them if he were to go that way. So was Braden Schiller, a great prospect.

Just waiting on Harry Hoopert and Sam Wallis to show up (a wish and a prayer!). Come'on guys get on the wagon. Let's go hunting for some Uni boys!

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
Bond is establishing itself as a very formidable force in the Qld Rugby program not only attracting good talent but also breeding good rugby players.

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